Bluetooth fix for iPhone 4S!!
I was having the same issues as most people with this product. Bluetooth was not working properly at first, It would not auto-connect in my Bluetooth connection, and after 2 seconds it would stop playing!!
Here is what I did to fix it:
I use my standard Apple iTunes/music to play my music, instead of using the TrueLink app to play my music ( I only use TrueLink for the setup) but I downloaded the TrueLink app and did all of my settings first.
1) Download the TrueLink app then connect it to your Bluetooth in iPhone settings.
2) Open up the TuneLink app
3) In the TrueLink app Settings turn ON auto-play button.
4) In the TrueLink app settings turn ON auto-connect button
5) In the TrueLink app settings turn OFF auto-run app button!!!
That last part (#5) is important! because if you have your settings set to "auto run your app" it will disconnect the connection to your Bluetooth. So when I got back into my car it played for two seconds THEN STOPPED!
So to recap, do your settings in the TuneLink app and make sure its completely closed out and not running in the background of your iPhone when your done. Then just use your Apple Music app as you normally would anyway. Starts in Bluetooth automatically now!!
Works like a charm!
PS- Sound quality is fine and you can minimize static if you turn your TrueLink app FM Volume to medium or low in settings.
I would rate this higher but I had this receiver for only a couple of days, and I feel like I had to jump through a few hoops to make it work properly. Otherwise, I would have given it a higher score.
OH YEAH, update your darn app please!! Or at least put out some info on your website so people can fix this issue. I had to figure this out on my own!
KarPed about